Focus Areas

Our professional and life experiences are rather diverse. It's given us some unfair advantages in a number of areas. We're smart enough to know the limits of our capabilities. Being humble, yet confident ensures we have a healthy relationship with failure and an unyielding intolerance for mediocrity. It makes us better problem solvers because we bring out the best in people and are fueled by a realistic sense of optimism. We approach the following things differently than you might expect. You should learn how by speaking with us.

Leadership Development

Leadership is a choice. Leadership is also the most socially and economically valuable skill and behavior in the world. We help individuals, small teams and large teams perform better by making leadership small and relatable. We look for growth in 1% increments and then accumulate the gains. Our Leadership Academy model is fundamentally different from any training you've ever experienced - engaging, individualized, and rigorous.

Leadership Coaching

When we ask people how leadership feels, we often hear "uncomfortable or slightly unsettling". That's completely normal. Most people don't want to feel that way all day long, so leadership gets relegated to a job that must be done rather than a way of being. We have very effective ways of helping you become more of the leader you aspire to be. And when you have a trusted advocate working in your interest, you'll become better, faster. If you think you can or can't accomplish something because of your existing leadership acumen, you're probably right.

Strategic Planning

The future comes at you hard. If you're in a position of having to react to it, you'll depend on luck to navigate forward (and luck comes in two flavors!). Having a simple, practical plan for the future that mitigates risks, capitalizes on strengths, and guides daily behavior will provide you with a competitive advantage in your life and business. We do planning differently, and because of that, our clients accomplish more. Working on the future becomes the way you work.

Organizational Growth and Development

Whether you're trying to get an idea off the ground, solve complex problems in a complex environment, or improve performance outcomes, we have practical ideas to contribute. We've built companies from the ground up, we've taken existing business to benchmark-leading performance levels, we've grown businesses to fetch record valuations, and we've helped family businesses through intergenerational transitions.