Our Story

We hate mediocrity. That's pretty much the whole story. We hate mediocrity so much, we decided to start a company and do something about it.

We are obsessed with narrowing the gap between performance and potential. That's our story, and we're sticking to it.

What's with the rocks?

Stacks of rocks are called cairns, and we think they are a great metaphor for our philosophy.

Think of each rock as an individual or area of your organization. Rocks are solid and if left alone, will stay grounded. They can only move if you pick them up. If your rocks are going to elevated in your landscape, they need to be carefully and deliberately placed. Each rock in the pile affects everything above and below it. There is one natural balance point. If you can find it, you can reach new heights.

Cairns are used as trail markers in many parts of the world. Blue Rock WI helps you set the mark and navigate along your own performance excellence journey.